Suppose I kept 50 bundle of Rs 500 notes and covered them by a yellow towel; in some place of your district.
If I Whatsapp its location, (to pocket that booty;) to all the group members “of money minded teachers/mobile/stationery dealers of your district”, what will happen?
Most of them leave whatever they are engaged in, pick a vehicle and run towards that spot at full speed.
That's the same you have to orchestrate in your role of EcoDeactive.
Your biggest tool (motivation factor) is “FOMO” which stands for "fear of missing out" and is a feeling of apprehension that your MA is missing out on this opportunity; that could improve their life.
You have only one object to sell, that is the “FOMO”.
How quickly you infect your target by it, will bring you; near to your personal CTC goal.
Your work is like telling someone in a desert to bring sand and take money.
Only one out of every 100 people in India earns about 30 lakhs per year. You are going to give an opportunity to earn that much to the other one (out of 99 percentile!)
You have to Find such hungry person as our Mission Associates in most kasbas (>3000 population villages) of your district.