Question: What is the mission 2025?
"Establish IoK® & Grioki® as our subsidiaries to boost India's position in the Human Development Index (HDI)."
Question: What is HDI
Answer: HDI is The "Human Development Index" which is a summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development:
1. a long and healthy life,
2. being knowledgeable and having
3. a decent standard of living.
The HDI is the geometric mean of normalized indices for each of above three dimensions.
It was created to emphasize that people and their capabilities should be the ultimate criteria for assessing the development of a country, not economic growth alone.
Question: Why is this mission?
Answer: Because despite being part of privileged few, we are still part of low HDI nation
Question: How are we going to accomplish it?
Answer: By preventing premature death of more Indians in the next three years then the entire population of Switzerland.
Question: But again how will we accomplish it?
Answer: By enrolling 141 000 graduate students, for “30-day job oriented practical training course” at Institute of Kitchenopathy® and deploying them at Grioki®; after their successful course completion.
It is our daily mission to prolong longevity, Healthier life span & standard of living in our immediate neighborhood.