Goal without Deadline = Fantasy
Goal + Deadline = Objective
Goal + Deadline + Plan = Intention
Goal + Deadline + Plan + Consistent Action = Success
Meaningful Goals + Deadline + Plan + Consistent Action = Fulfilment
आपको प्रतिदिन शाम को घर तब तक नहीं लौटना है, जब तक कम से कम एक व्यक्ति ऐसा ना ढूंढ लें, जिनको ढाई लाख से ज्यादा महीने के कमाने की इच्छा हो; हमारे मिशन एसोसिएट बनकर। यदि आप इतना कर सकते हैं तो ही ज्वाइन करने की कोशिश करें।
Refrain to fill your attendance without completing the 31 activities. Because it will reduce your chances of success in achieving a significantly higher CTC in the probation period.
Exit conversation with tarannum
HR Statement:
- Tarannum admitted in above audio recording (4:14) stating her intention to personally book student slots, contradicting her assigned job responsibilities.
- Tarannum said, "15 ya 20 m ek ya do or mei sudent slot book krdungi" (Translation: "I will book 1 or 2 student slot on 15th oct or 20th oct ").
- This statement confirms her deviation from company policies and procedures, which require Enrollment Associates to handle student bookings, not individual employees.
- This breach of protocol and disregard for job description & SOP led to Tarannum's termination.
Here is the full lecture “acres of diamond” referred to in this discussion with some tilt.
It is our standard policy that after firing an employee we didn't answer their bullshit for 3 weeks. Because we want that within these three weeks they will find another suitable job that they enjoy and make their career happy and enjoyable.
If we don't follow this policy then it may become very hard for those guys to find another job. After our clarification about their miss conduct, no HR will prefer to hire such guys.
It is very good for us that non ambitious non performing recruits leave our organization as soon as possible.
We appreciate the contributions of those who have passed through our doors, even if their tenure was brief.
We welcome all the negative/positive publicity they generate.
We wish a warm and healthy good luck to their efforts.
We give all of them heartly thanks for the bad/good publicity they generated.
We are human and we make hiring mistakes.
We deliberately keep the package, lowest initially for a short period; to find and retain only ambitious people in the organization.
We don't retain shortsited frog mentality people in organization.
We are committed to hiring individuals who are motivated and aligned with our company's goals.
Any employee terminated for any reason who subsequently engages in misconduct against the company or its employees or damages company property will be subject to legal action and the most severe penalties.
हिंदी में एक कहावत है: "होम करते हाथ जले"!
तो ऐसी स्थिति से बचने के लिए हम यह स्ट्रेटजी अपनाते हैं की जो कुछ भी काम करना है उसके बारे में अधिकतम जानकारी जॉइनिंग के पहले ही उपलब्ध करा दी जाती है। जिससे कोई भी व्यक्ति गलतफहमी का शिकार ना हो।
गौरतलब बात यह है कि जैसे दुनिया में बहुत सी व्यवस्था होने के बावजूद चोरी, डकैती, बलात्कार, हत्याएं जैसे जघन्य अपराध कोई ना कोई व्यक्ति अंजाम देता ही है।
इसी प्रकार हमारी गंभीर और निष्कपट पहल में अधीर, गैर जवाबदार, दम्भ जनित अति आत्मविश्वास ग्रस्त विकृत मनोवृत्ति का कोई व्यक्ति गलती से घुस आता है, तो उससे बचने के लिए यह सारी जानकारियां हम पहले मुहैया कराते हैं; जिससे कि जरा भी गलतफहमी में कोई घुसने की कोशिश ना करें।
SOP# 37 The company is offering you a chance to demonstrate your ability to fulfill the promises you made during your interview. It's assumed that you fully understand the job's requirements and priorities. If your actions and performance during your employment do not align with your commitments, you will be terminated without compensation.
Company Statement on Termination
EcoGhar Landscapers Pvt Ltd takes allegations of abusive language seriously.
Following termination due to performance and policy issues, engaging in aggressive behaviour is unacceptable and contradicts your acceptance of IIOWC 01 *मैं मानक 1 से 20 तक का पालन करने के लिए सहमत हूं।
I agree to follow the IIOWC 01 standard. (Following 1 to 20)
I will pursue as much as possible
5 Senior *
आज व आगे के पूरे जीवन में, मेंरे प्रत्येक कार्यकलाप में, स्वयम् से पूछूंगा कि, मेंरे द्वारा किये जाने वाला; यह कार्य, मेंरी वरिष्ठ पीढ़ी के लिए, पर्याप्त गर्वकारक है या नहीं?मेरा जवाब रहेगा:
Whatever I do today or in my entire life I will ask myself, is it credible enough for my senior, old generation, is my deeds making them proud about me? My answer remain
Our company values respect, professionalism, and empathy. We stand by our commitment to maintaining a positive work environment.
All the images depicted above are sufficient to understand the causes of Termination of anyone.